Version 1.0 Finished. Future updates to come

Do you struggle to remember the Pokémon dual type chart? Are you playing a randomizer?

Hi! A group of friends and I have recently started to play a pokemon randomizer. The types of each pokemon are shuffled about, and I have been utterly confused trying to figure out the types of the pokemon I've been fighting, as I never played much pokemon. I decided to create this tool instead! Creating the tool taught me most of the types weaknesses and resistances anyways, but its now here for others to use. 

Version 1.0 is Officially released!

I will be adding many updates soon, but this version is complete in the basics. It can:

  • Correctly display all types that are possible based off of the users input
  • Calculate the possibility of percent of damage dealt to the pokemon
    • Please note, this tool currently treats all typing as equal probability, despite actual pokemon having much more aggregated typing
  • Play some cool music and sound effects with a cool background
  • Yell at you when you input something incorrectly

This took many late nights of my time (I go into the Flow State quite easily), but I was determined after a Godot Manager bug deleted my first prototype after only getting single type guessing working.

Roadmap for Future Updates!

I have SO many ideas about this tool. Here is a list, in no order, of what I would like to implement:

  • Choosing icon styling based off of Generation
  • Turning the currently unsatisfying 4 rows of options into a concise row with carousel buttons  for Immune [x0], Not Effective [x0.5], Normal [x1], and Super Effective [x2] (Think console option buttons, that have multiple options in the same button)
  • Add a probability chart to the guessed types. Which would require:
    • Importing data about how many pokemon have each type for each Generation
  • Allowing the user to select what Generations of pokemon to consider when calculating probabilities
  • Add an exceptions box for if immunities were caused by abilities (EX: Levitate gives immunity to ground despite typing)
  • Results updating in real time based off of selection (no longer separate screen)
  • Selecting a guessed type in the results will have the effectiveness bars display their weaknesses and resistances
  • Better music and sounds

Let me know anything you would like too! I hope you enjoy!

-Turbo Mair


Mon Guesser Play in browser
Mar 05, 2024

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